Department / English
Department / English
The English Department strengthens the deepened understanding of language and literacy, effective writing and the richness of literature through the curriculum and other programs where students encounter works of poetry, fiction, drama and other genres that unlock the richest potentialities of language. The English department helps students build knowledge of the literary studies, academic, professional and creative writing. In the English Department we believe in enriching our students’ lives and shaping their understanding of the challenging, diverse and ever-changing world they live in. Not only does our curriculum allow students insights into other cultures, but they are given the opportunity for creativity, self-expression and personal development.
Through the study of English we aim to create global citizens who are able to communicate with one another empathetically. Through engagement with a breadth of texts, both classic and contemporary, we aim to instill a love of literature which will enable students to become lifelong readers and critical thinkers.
The Vision of the English Department is to develop department as a centre for academic excellence through teaching and related activities that encourages students to nurture literary sensibilities, critical thinking and to offer adequate training in communication skills to equip them for professional fields in the global arena.
The Mission is to offer advanced, career oriented programs, imparting professional knowledge and life skills as well as to impart four skills of communication. It also aims to provide opportunities through language and literature the vision of community growth and development of strong ethical values.
#84, K.R.Road, Shankarpuram, Bangalore-560004, Karnataka, India.
080-26611924 / 9880213323
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